E-mail newsletters around the world

We have a large arsenal of databases of mail addresses from various countries around the world. Our service will organize the distribution of your advertising to the country you need.

Price list for mailings by country

We organize mailing of your advertising to any country in the world.

What's included in the newsletter

  • Current database

    Our mailing list service strives to make the databases up-to-date - we regularly update them: we delete dead addresses and collect new ones. The most popular databases - for Moscow, Russia and St. Petersburg - are updated once a week. The remaining databases - by city and industry - are updated once a month.
  • We will create a custom database

    При заказе рассылки - соберем базу по любым нужным критериям бесплатно:

    • По отраслевым признакам;
    • По региональным признакам;

    Для начала работы - свяжитесь с нашим менеджером - и сообщите какую базу необходимо собрать.

  • Layout and layout adaptation

    Our layout designer will make an html layout from your information - based on your finished text, information from your website or any other materials.
  • Adaptation for spam filter

    If you have a ready-made advertising letter that has already been sent out several times, it means that most likely it has already been entered into the spam filter databases and sending such a letter will be ineffective.
    We will check the letter for passage through mail.com, yahoo, gmail and other mail servers; if it does not arrive at them, we will optimize the mailings for spam filters (by changing the content in it). Your newsletter will not go to spam.
  • Bonus mailing

    When you order two newsletters at once, you receive the third one for free. Contact our manager to place an order for the promotion.
  • Let us help you write the ad text

    Do you find it difficult to compose the text of your advertisement yourself? No problem - we will compose free advertising text for mailings based on the materials on your website or any other materials.
  • What are the advertising offer formats?

    • Text layout - suitable for advertising from a “private person”, for example: photographers, designers, lawyers.
    • HTML layout - suitable for creating a “direct advertising offer” for any goods and services.
    • The “layout + picture” option is also possible, but it is not recommended to place a picture, since it is very often not displayed in many email clients.
  • Mailing time

    The actual process of sending letters lasts from 1 day to three weeks (depending on the volume of the database). Most likely, you have already noticed that in our price lists the database volumes vary greatly, which is why the time varies so much.
  • Redirect for your site

    If you want to organize a mailing list, but not fall under the sanctions of spam filters. There is a solution!

    We offer our clients to use the redirect for free.

How to make an order
  • Contact our manager
  • Select your desired database
  • Provide the manager with a ready-made layout or text for creating a layout
  • Pay the invoice
  • After agreeing on the layout and payment, your advertising starts
  • We provide you with a report (in your personal account)
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